Wednesday, 13 October 2010

27 Layouts of Dynamic Arrangements

Well on the 4th October I had my very first class on my course at University!
My first project was "Composition for Screen and Image". I had to pick 2 objects for example a teapot, padlock etc...I chose a keyring of an orange wellington boot and a blue pencil (I love conplimentary colours). Then using 3 A3 sheets of paper I had 'draw 27 layouts of dynamic arrangements of the objects', of which both objects had to be in every frame.I had one week to do this.

These are the compositions I came up with... (They are not in the same order that I draw them)

Here I used charcoal and pen. Long shot. I feel this works well and has an interesting perspective...maybe something that wouldn't be easily achieved with a camera.

Birds Eye Long Shot. Coloured  pencil and normal pencil. I love the 2 colours I and blue (complimentary colours) so I used it in some of my drawings. This one's simplicity works well for me.

Coloured pencil, charcoal and pen. Close up (Pencil), Long Shot (Boot). I like the contrast of the closeness of the pencil against the distance of the boot.

Coloured felt tip pens and charcoal. Long shot. In this one I love the way I rendered it, it makes the image alot more exciting.

Extreme Close Up. Pen and a little bit of charcoal. I'm not to happy with this one, the pencil and boot look a bit lost and are pushed into the corner too much. If I was to do this again I would move the 2 objects further into the shot.

Long shot. Charcoal and Pen. This one is ok. The objects seem distorted but this makes the composition and perspective quite interesting. Again, this wouldn't be so easily achieved with the camera.

Pastels and pen. Long Shot. With this one I did it so ou are looking up at the objects, this one was interesting to draw and made it quite different to the rest.

Pastels and pen. Extreme close up (Boot), long shot (Pencil). I love this one, its simple but effective and showss alot of depth through distance in this shot.

Pastels. Extreme Close Up. This is nice a bold...and in its own right, abstract! Being abstract I can imagine it would make it that little bit more interesting for the viewer to look at!

Charcoal and pen. Mid Shot. This one you are also looking up at...but more from directly underneath. Like the last it also looks quite abstract, it's harder to make out that the boot is a boot! This one wasn't my more favourite.

Pencil, pen and charcoal. Long shot. With this one I didn't achieve what I was hoping for  but I am pleased with the result. I'm not happy with the shadow, I feel I should have looked at it more carefully. The way it has been done it looks like it's sinking into the surface it's on!

Charcoal and pen. Long shot. I love this one, I love the distortion that emphasizes the perspective and depth in the shot. I feel it has a great feel to it.

Charcoal and pen. Close up (Boot) and long shot (pencil). I feel that this shot makes the objects feel like characters, as if the boot has turned around from the pencil and is now walking away (at this moment, if the boot was a character, you would be registering it's emotions on its face).

Coloured pencils. Close up (pencil end) and long shot (boot). This also gives a great feel of depth to the shot, just by playing around with and emphasizing perspective.

Coloured pencils. Close up. This shot is a little bit abstract, and I like that. Think this close up works well and am hapy with the composition.

Charcoal and Pen. Mid Shot (Boot) and Long shot (pencil). Again, the depth in this is great. This time the perspective is more realistic but works really well and effectively.

Coloured pencils. Extreme Close Up. Another abstract shot, I included a bit more detail in this one that the other extreme close up and didn't allow for any gaps.

Coloured Pencils. Mid shot. This one is very side on, both objects are flat to you, which doesn't give the shot any depth at all. I like the composition though, if they were charcters I can imagine that they are walking or moving from left to right across the screen with the boot leading.

Pencil. Extreme close up. Another extreme close up. I don't find this one as interesting because of the lack of colour and the only detail on it is the light and shadows.

Pencil. Close up. I found this interesting, however it feels a little confusing! For a start the pencil has been made quite 3D and is floating (maybe it could be flying) and then you you have the boot that is very flat. Something isn't working for me with this one.

Pencil. Mid shot (boot) and close up (pencil). I like this one, it's simple but works well. The object are very side on and flat but the shot has depth because of the composition (the pencil being close and the boot sitting further away).

Pencil. Mid lond shot (boot) and long shot (pencil). Like this one, it's like the 2 object have had a fight and are now turned away from each other. The distance between them shows that seperation. I love the composition, the way that they are both facing left and have that space infront of them with hardly any behind.

Pencil. Close up. This one is almost abstract too, I like's certainly different from the other shots!

Pencil. Mid Long shot. Not too happy because the pencil is cut out of the shot. If done again I would include all of the pencil. Again, because they are slightly turned to the left I placed them slightly on the right so that there is more space on the side that they are almost pointing to.

Pencil. Long shot. Again the boot is side on. I feel this shot would be stronger if the boot looked slightly more 3 dimensional. And I feel that there is a bit too muck empty space. However the space and composition makes it different from the rest.

Pencil. Long Shot. Like some of the other shots I have left space in one part of the shot. This one has space behind the objects instead of infront. This gives the effect that the 2 objects have just been there and are now moving away, into the distance.

Pencil. Long shot.This was my very first one, I think the objects could be positioned on the page better...if done again I would place them up a bit so that the gap below and above them were as equal as possible.

Over all I reall enjoyed this project, I enjoyed the challenge. I found it really hard to think of the last nine but I feel that with that I just became a little more imaginative and come out with some really interesting compositions and layouts!

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