Friday, 6 May 2011

3D Stop Motion Part Three

So after the story was agreed on we set about looking at the other characters in the story..The little girl, the rabbits and the dead audience. 

We all decided on a description of the girl...half the height of the magician, quite wide with a big round head, blonde hair in bunchies and pink dress with white t-shirt underneath. Suzi got the job of doing the character design for this character.

We decided on having two was going to be a good sweet looking bunny and the other was going to be evil and horrible looking. The description for the good bunny was light pink, fluffy, round and squidgy with big round eyes and a large fluffy tail. I had the job of doing the final character design for this. The evil rabbit was to be black, skinny (so much so that parts of the skeleton was showing), have rips and a tiny tail. Basically the opposite to the other rabbit. Aaron was given this rabbit to do the final character design for.

Here is the design I did for the good rabbit...

And finally Bas was given the story board to do.

Next we look at the set and what it would look like. The main set would be the theatre where the magician was going to perform and there would be a second simple set of an alley way where the little girl would be introduced at the beginning. 

For the theatre we decided to have the traditional deep red, obviously symbolising the death and horror genre of the film. We also decided that the set will be lit with low key lighting to set the dark mysterious mood.

We then went to the workshop technician Dave to talk about how we would go about making all of the characters and the sets.

There were quite a few things we had to work out, for instance how the girl would fit in the hat when the proportions of the hat is a lot smaller than the girl. How big the puppets where going to be...the magician is very thin and slender - would he stand up ok or would he fall over all the time?

For the hat we decided to make different sizes for different shots, the magician was going to be about 30 cm tall, the girl 20cm and the rabbits 5cm.

In the next post I will be showing the making process of the characters. 

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