Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Emotional Ties: Character Research

I've been looking at characters in children's programmes to see just how simple they are and the styles used to make them simple. 

Shaun the Sheep


Adventures of Abney and Teal

Charlie and Lola

Garth and Bev

Mona the Vampire

Pet Squad

I think the main thing that I have learnt from this is that the head is always made big. Looking at these I feel that I wasn't too far off with the first drawing of Ryan that I did. I may go back to that and develop it from there. I also found that sometimes the limbs were made to be really thin, the hair is pretty simple and the head shapes aren't anything too complicated. In a number of examples that I saw (and I know that Pixar do this) each character was based around a certain shape and so I may try this with mine. I now know what I need to do to get the desired effect with my characters. 

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